I have much to thank This is Horror for – the website
dedicated to all things – err… horror has introduced me to many new authors
whose work I’ve then gone onto investigate further and enjoy. Amongst these
authors I can count Stephen Graham Jones and Paul Tremblay, novels from whom
are included in my favourite reads of this year. Last year, their chapbook The Visible Filth by Nathan Ballingrud
had the “honour” of being my choice as the best single story of 2015.
Much joy then, at the news of the publication by them of two
new novellas, A House at the Bottom of a
Lake by Josh Malerman – whose Bird
Box took an audacious concept and crafted it into an amazing novel and They Don’t Come Home Anymore by TE Grau,
whose book The Nameless Dark was my
pick for the best collection of 2015.
Two very different stories but sharing a common theme – the
transition from childhood to adulthood, with both novellas having as their
protagonists seventeen year-olds. Teenagers are, of course, a staple of horror;
films have been using them as cannon-fodder for decades now, sacrificing them
to Freddys, Jasons and their ilk in order to appeal to marketing demographics.
Given the calibre of the authors though, it’s fair to expect a little more than
gratuitously violent death scenes from these novellas and, unsurprisingly, that’s exactly what you

Strange that no one knows of its presence before now,
strange too that the lake beneath which the house lies is a new discovery for
James, already familiar with the area. So it is that the seeds are planted in
the readers’ minds that this is all in the teenagers’ (or possibly only of
them) imagination, that their discovery of first, true love is as significant a find as
that of a house hidden in a lake. Is the house real or just a huge metaphor?
Whatever, their curiosity leads to further explorations of
the building and, much like the change from air to water, so too the atmosphere
of the book changes, a sinister mood replacing the joy and excitement of the
beginning of the relationship.
The world inside the house is wonderfully created as is the
slowly growing sense of dread – and that things are not quite as they should
be… Why, for instance, have none of the house’s contents floated away? It’s
when James attempts to find an answer to this that things turn very bad – leading to some extremely well crafted and effective creepiness.
Which kinds brings us back to the whole metaphor theory…
Maybe love should be accepted for what it is, to question it will only destroy
the whole thing..? Maybe it’s not about the house anyway – it’s perhaps
significant that this is A house at
the Bottom of A lake and not The House…
Deep thoughts – but then this is a story with depth in every
sense of the word.
Read it as a metaphor or as a piece of magic realism, the choice really is yours. Either
way you’ll find much to enjoy in this novella; some beautiful prose, spot-on
characterisation and some genuinely creepy set-pieces enhanced marvellously by the
claustrophobic surroundings of a submerged house.
Where A House at the
Bottom of a Lake is all about depth, it could be argue that They Don’t Come Home Anymore is all
about shallowness as it’s a trait displayed by many of the novella’s
characters. Much of what I appreciated in Ted’s collection The Nameless Dark were the characters
he created to populate his stories. The horrors he placed them in were all the
more effective because they were believable and fully-formed and it’s no
surprise to find that those character building skills are prominently on
display here too.
The story follows lonely Hettie’s attempts to ingratiate
herself with Avery, the most popular kid in the class. Following Avery’s
hospitalisation with leukaemia - an event which is televised, such is the state and integrity of TV news these days - Hettie steps up in her quest, determined to
save the other girl by whatever means necessary.
So begins her attempts to find a real vampire, for who better to
cure a cancer of the blood and provide lifelong – everlasting – immunity?
Her quest takes her on a journey through the counter-culture
of LA, leading her to an arcane bookstore with a cynical owner then onto a book
signing by a cult authoress of vampire books. It’s here she encounters another
group – not fans of the author, too cool for that - who claiming to be “real”
vampires she's looking for.
There’s much joy to be had here in the author’s dissection
of the personas his characters inhabit, peeling away the façade of style to
reveal the cynical shallowness behind. The vampire chic presented by them is
little more than a front for the truly horrible people they really are.
Nasty – but nothing as compared to actual, real vampires…
It’s a fine moment when the book changes tone from what has
been almost a satirical look at the artificiality of horror and those who
embrace it as a lifestyle in an effort to fit in or look cool and introduces some
real horror of its own. It’s a bold move but one which pays off handsomely.
There are still twists to come though, a few more surprises
for the reader before the book reaches its conclusion. There’s a lot going on
in They Don’t Come Home Anymore, a
rich vein of themes dare I say – artificiality, peer-pressure, loss of innocence, a sense
of identity and many more besides - perhaps demanding a second read through to fully
appreciate them all. It's a book which deserves real critical analysis - a much deeper and more detailed critique than this one but I have to say I loved every word of it.
To label both of these novellas as “coming of age” stories
is perhaps too simplistic but the choice of having protagonists on the cusp of
adulthood is definitely significant. Both are incredibly imaginative pieces of
work and, in keeping with the subject matter of the Malerman book, definitely have a lot
going on beneath the surface. Both are insights into human nature and, although
they perhaps approach the subject from different directions, what they uncover
is compelling.
I highly recommend both novellas, which you can buy here.