Cate Gardner supplies two stories for this debut
publication: We Make Our Own Monsters
Here and Blood-Moth Kiss. Anyone
familiar with Cate’s writing will find much to enjoy here whilst it will act as
a perfect introduction to her slightly surreal and whimsical style of writing
to those yet to experience it.
It has to be said that these stories are definitely in the
weird fiction camp, being neither particularly frightful nor horrific, but
beneath the surface of the strangeness dark currents flow.
The opening story concerns puppeteer Check Harding and his
stay in the Palmerston Hotel prior to a job interview. There’s much surreal humour
to be had here, with receptionists hiding behind desks and ankle-deep shag pile
carpets. The humour is gradually replaced by a slowly creeping sense of dread
when Check makes the trip to his interview wherein a bizarre, transformative
experience occurs in which puppeteer becomes puppet, a bargain somehow made
which will change his life forever.
The darkness at the conclusion of We Make… is made more profound by the humour which precedes it.
There’s less of that on display in Blood-Moth
Kiss, which is set in an air-force base during the onset of a nuclear war.
Sections of the story are titled with the date and time
which, if read carefully, offer some hint as to what this complex and puzzling
story may really be about. I loved the imagery in this one, anyone who had
accidentally crushed a moth will be aware of the ash-like substance which
remains and this metaphor is use dis to very good effect in this – and I use
the word deliberately – haunting tale.
These are, as stated from the outset, quick reads – easily devoured
in a single sitting. As with much of Cate’s work, a second reading is always something
I’d recommend. First time round, just lose yourself in the poetic weirdness,
second time try and discern the hidden meanings – and the brevity of these two
tales certainly allows for this.
I enjoyed my time in the weird world of the Shadow Moths and strongly recommend you
try it for yourself. You can buy the book here.
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